
Submarine Memorial Brick laying
Bangor Washington Submarine Base
24 April 2001
Photo contributed by Brad Green MMCS(SS)

24 Apr 2001

From Brad Green MMCS(SS)   

Senior Chief Green is an active duty A-Ganger on shore duty at TTF Bangor as Division Officer of Firefighting and Damage Control.


Today we laid the first pallet of bricks on the "deck" of the subamarine memorial here aboard Subase Bangor. The first four pallets will only fill about 1/2 to 3/4 of the deck space, leaving room for future sales.

The PACNORWEST CPOA put out an all-call for help in putting in the bricks today through Thursday. The local subvets were there in force along with a few active duty - the subvets being the real motive force behind the entire project.

The memorial honors all the Cold War submariners who served in the original FORTY-ONE FOR FREEDOM SSBN's, and follow-on TRIDENT boats as well. These bricks have been paid for by individual donors, and are inscribed accordingly with whatever the donor likes. 

This memorial construction has been independently funded through donations, with the submarine sail being donated by the Navy. The Navy also set aside the land in front of Trident Training Facility Bangor. The labor is provided by the Seabees and volunteers. Contractors were used to form the hull. It was cool watching them use their "blow-on" concrete.

More photos are available at the link below of the memorial and the brick-laying process, as well as an individual brick or two. More detailed photos can also be had if anyone is interested in seeing a particular brick or a certain part of the memorial.


A few of the bricks
Photo contributed by Frank Toon

01 May 2001

From Frank Toon - A WWII Submarine veteran    



Visited the sub base at Bangor last week with Ed Ferris (BLENNY shipmate 46-49). Checked out the progress being made on laying the bricks. Seems they had quite a crew of volunteers busy on that project although it will take awhile to complete the whole thing....some 5000 bricks.
