Posted by Jim Christley on August 09, 1999
Folks, Great news!
The new piers at Subase Pearl are dedicated in the name of Henry Breault TM2(SS) the only enlisted Medal of Honor winner to win the medal for actions aboard a submarine.
Courtesy John Peters/Western Regional Director USSV
He has finally been able to take his place with the other submarine Medal of Honor winners.
Capt. John Peters (CAUSS member) has worked with the folks of Pearl to make this happen. Thanks to him and to all.
If we continue to work, we ensure the years prior to WWII are properly remembered as a major part of the Submarine Force History.
MORE at SUBNET's USS O-5 (SS-66) page.

General Order Number 125 of 20 February 1924
awards the Medal of Honor to TM, Henry Berault.
He and TM Brown were in the torpedo room of the USS O-5 (SS-66) in the Panama Canal Zone. The O-5 collided with the SS Abangarez on the morning of 28 October 1923. The O-5 sank in less than a minute. But in that minute, Henry Berault exhibited the kind of heroism and self-sacrifice which should take its place with the seven heroes from WW II but hasn't.
When he felt the collision and felt the boat start to go down, Berault headed for the open torpedo room hatch. He had just about reached the top of the ladder when water started to cascade down the hatch. Realizing that he could get out but that Brown would be trapped in the room, Berault reached up and pulled the torpedo room hatch shut and headed back down to insure the watertight door was shut.
He did so with the full realization that he had trapped himself in a sinking submarine but in doing so, he gave his shipmate the only chance he would have to live. Fortunately, they both survived and were rescued almost two days later when the bow was lifted clear of the water.
... Street, Ramage, O'Kane, Fluckey, Dealey, Gilmore and Cromwell have become legendary in the Submarine Force and have served as symbols of what is the best of the brave. The eighth, Berault had been forgotten in the rush to remember only World War II heroes. No longer ... as of now he will take his rightful place as a hero of the Submarine Force.