Submarine Torpedo Boat Holland 

Atlantic Basin, Brooklyn, N. Y.

July 19th, 1898.          


This day in pursuance of my duty, I made a Sub-aques trip in

this vessel.

I am thus the first naval Officer of any nationality to per-

form such service; therefore, if it please the Department, I

would like to have that fact added to my Official Record.

Very Respectfully,


Chief Engineer, U. S.N.

The Honorable Secretary of the Navy.

On this day my Father made no mention of his
intention of going down with the Holland. He left as normal clad in a white linen bicycle suit and rode as was his daily custom from Hempstead Long Island to the Iron Works, 22 miles. I remember when he returned he dismounted in front of my mother, saying with shining eyes, "I've been down in the Holland Submarine." "Oh, John!!!" Later at another trial father insisted the boat was of no ea...... ........ it could stay down. So the Sound in front of the Manhassett House was outside G...ti rose minted. I am told the guests stood watching while Mother watched the little boat, holding precious lives, sink gradually below the surface. What she thought she never said. What she did was to search the beach for specimens which she fit into a smelly pail she found on the beach which a gentleman in expensive summer toggery carried to his room for her for microscopic study.

A storm came up that night but the Sub did not know it. Fifteen hours later the little boat rose triumphantly to be greeted by headlines in the papers. "Down went McGinty"

Edith Blinston Lowe